Rochester Amateur Radio Association, Inc.
RaRa Logo
Since 1931
Rochester Hamfest



Thank You for Your Interest in Joining RaRa!


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the hotline above, or email our Membership Secretary at

Click to check if you are already in our database or click for existing membership.

If you would like to use a paper form, download here and mail to the above address.

RaRa Membership Application * = Required Information

Call Sign:            Class:   

ARRL Member? Yes        No
Title: First Name:* Last Name:* Suffix:
Mailing Address:*
City:*   State:* ZIP Code:* Country:*
 (view our privacy policy)
Phone (home): Phone (mobile): Phone (work):
( ) - ( ) - ( ) -    ex.
Date of Birth:


Membership Level

Senior (Over 65)
Student (Under 23)
Associate (Unlicensed)
Life (Senior)

 Family - Add members of your household for only $5.00 each:




$ Dues

$ Donation to Technology Grant*

$ Donation to General Fund*

$ Total


*Remember: Donations are Tax deductible.

Last revised: 11/07/24 07:38 PM

The Rochester Amateur Radio Association, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Educational Corporation
Information Contact: